
In a microservice architecture, each subsystem can be in its own repository. Furthermore, each individual repository would also have documentation under /docs that makes it easier to keep documentation updated as code changes within each repo. Multi-Repo Docs is a new process that collects docs from multiple repos and publishes all them on a single website. This example explains how we can achieve the goal using git submodules and Trigger Travis CI builds.

Suppose there are three repos named repo-docs-1, repo-docs-2, and repo-docs-3. In addition, suppose there is one root repo named root-docs that has the website related files and common documents such as contribution guidelines, developer workflow, contacts and meetings information, etc. The idea is to trigger a job in root-docs repo to build and push the website files whenever there is a change (i.e. a merge commit) in any of doc repos (i.e. repo-docs-1, repo-docs-2, repo-docs-3). The job in root-docs is responsible to add a submodule of each doc repo and build the website using MkDocs static site generator.


  • Distributed docs and a centeralized representation: The above solution provides a central repo for common documents and website related files and allows to keep each subsystem related docs in its own repo simultaneously.

  • Easy to maintain: whenever there is a new repo is added to the project, we just need to update the script that travis job runs to include its docs folder in the build process of the website.


  • Content Duplication: the above solution still needs to bring a copy of the docs from other repos into the root repo (i.e. using git submodule) to build the website using most up to date docs.